Student Travel Grants

To acknowledge the significant contributions of our student members from all three societies, travel grants will be provided at this year’s ASCEPT, APFP & APSA Joint Congress.

Please note that students may apply for a travel grant through only one society.

Applications for these grants will be accepted concurrently with abstract submissions via the abstract submission portal.

ASCEPT Student travel grants

To be eligible for a Student Travel Grant, students MUST be financial members of ASCEPT prior to the early bird registration deadline, Friday 30 August 2024, and have been selected to present an oral or poster presentation at the congress.

To be eligible for a Student Travel Grant, an applicant:

· must be a currently enrolled undergraduate and/or HDR student (e.g. Honours, Masters, or PhD)
· must be presenting an oral or poster communication at the congress
· must be a financial Graduate Student member of ASCEPT
· must indicate that they wish to be considered for a Student Travel Grant when submitting their abstract via the online submission site.
· must fill out the ASCEPT Student Travel Grant form and provide flight and accommodation receipts by return email to the ASCEPT Executive Officer at: by no later than Friday 15 November 2024.

*Only student members are eligible for a Student Travel Grant

ASCEPT student travel grant application form

APSA Student travel grants

To be eligible for a travel grant, students MUST be financial members prior to the congress abstract submission deadline, Friday 31 May 2024, and MUST be presenting an oral or poster communication at the congress.

To apply, students must complete and submit an APSA travel grant application form to the APSA secretariat by the congress early bird registration deadline, Friday 30 August 2024.

At the 2022 APSA Annual General Meeting, the APSA board decided that students who are successful in their application for a travel grant will be reimbursed 30% of the cost of a reasonable airfare from their nearest capital city to the congress city.

Reasonable airfare costs are determined by the APSA treasurer from the websites of major airlines, on or around the date of the congress early bird registration deadline.

APSA student travel grant application form

APFP Student travel grants

To be eligible for a Student Travel Grant, students MUST be a member of an APFP Affiliated Society (other than ASCEPT) and:
· Have no more than 8 years* post doctoral
· Have no more than 8 years*post fellowship or an appropriate college for medical graduates
· Have no more than 8 years* post award of a higher degree or Bachelor degree in dentistry or veterinary science
*8 years exclusive of career interruptions (parental/carer leave)
· Be enrolled as PhD student

To apply, students must complete and submit an APFP travel grant application form to the congress secretariat by the congress early bird registration deadline, Friday 30 August 2024.

APFP student travel grant application form